MyWell App
MyWell is a Smartphone and SMS App for collecting and analysing data related depths to well water level, rainfall amounts, checkdam water levels and water quality parameters. The App works by crowd-sourcing data from MARVI project's network of BJs. MyWell displays the current status of the groundwater level in each well, together rainfall amounts, checkdam water levels and water quality parameter values with historical and village level data for simple comparison and analysis.
MyWell approach:
Engage farmers, schools and local communities in groundwater monitoring;
Help in easy collection and availability of groundwater and other related data across India; and
Visualise groundwater data and empower farmers to self-manage groundwater sustainably at the village and Gram Panchayat levels.
MyWell app can assist in monitoring and sharing watertable depth, rainfall and checkdam water level data collected by BJs and other community members in rural and urban areas in any part of India. Also, it is possible to use the app in other countries.
MyWell is available on Android and will be available on iOS in the future. To learn more about MyWell, please download the document from the link below.
BJ, Mr Hari Ram Gadri using MyWell to upload watertable depth data from one of the wells monitored in the Dharta watershed.